
Looking After Your Fitness is More Important in Senior Years

Fitness is not optional which you can opt for according to your convenience, it is essential for everyone.

About us

Healthcare is something that we all need, there is no acceptance. However, with some simple planning and measures, we can easily reduce the amount of needed healthcare. What you need is a fitness and diet regime that can help you remain fit, healthy, and active. Fitness Faster is a fitness training studio in South Brighton, Adelaide, and is managed by an Australian female fitness trainer Nicki Jennison. Nicki is a well-known fitness and health trainer with 20+ years of experience. She had worked at various fitness clubs in London, New Zealand, Sydney, Adelaide. At Fitness Faster you will find a range of training classes which you can opt to achieve your fitness goals.


Fitness Faster is one of the leading fitness training studio in Adelaide and what makes it that is it services.


Fitness Faster offers biosignature modulation, a scientific method of understanding hormonal imbalance by comparing body fat with other examinations.

Fitness Training     

Fitness Faster is a place where you can find some of the best training regimes which are guaranteed to show results.


At Fitness Faster we motivate people to invest in yoga and offer classes for Vinayasha style yoga for better results.